By Overlook Horizon|2022-02-10T23:10:56-05:00February 10th, 2022|Categories: Space Education|Tags: Astronauts, cape canaveral, elon musk, elon musk update, everyday astronaut, falcon 9, falcon 9 landing, falcon 9 launch, International Space Station, iss, Live, OLHZN, Overlook Horizon, press conference, Rocket, rocket launch, space shuttle, space station, space x, SpaceX, spacex falcon 9, spacex landing, spacex launch, spacex launch live, spacex live, spacex live stream, spacex news, spacex shuttle, spacex starship, starship, starship live, starship press conference, starship update, super heavy, update|
On Thursday, February 10 SpaceX CEO Elon Musk will provide an update on the design, development, and testing of Starship and Super Heavy launch vehicles which are SpaceX's next-generation vehicles intended to take people to the Moon and Mars!#SpaceX #Starship #olhznliveβ‘οΈ Preshow4:53 Show Starts**************************************************************To learn more about our weather balloon flights, Arduino based flight computer, [...]