Since its ​launch​​​ in 2014, ​the ​Physical Sciences Informatics (PSI) ​system ​has served as NASA’s online repository for physical science data. ​Now​​​, the PSI system​ is​ ​live with new​​​ update​s​ to further align with NASA’s open data policy​.​ 

​​With its first significant update in over five years,​​ t​he data repository has been completely redesigned, featuring a new layout, improved structure, and enhanced search functionalities. This updated system was created with a focus on user experience, and more updates are anticipated as new features are introduced. 

​​A key new feature of the system is​, the PSI Submission Portal​​. This tool is designed to streamline the processes of collecting, curating, and publishing new data by enabling Principal Investigators and scientific teams to upload files directly to the system with the support of a data curator. The Portal also offers a dedicated workspace for data submitters, assigns a unique digital object identifier to each dataset, and standardizes the documentation and data structure for each investigation. 

Both the updated PSI system and Submission Portal can be accessed at