On Friday, April 26, engineers completed a series of electromagnetic tests on the integrated Orion crew and service module for NASA’s Artemis II mission inside the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout (O&C) Building at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
During testing, engineers subjected the spacecraft to electromagnetic energy using wave guides, amplifiers, and antenna horns while inside an altitude chamber.
The test helps verify that all of Orion’s electronic systems can work in sync and safeguards against potential malfunctions caused by electromagnetic disturbances in the harsh and complex environment of space. Engineers will analyze the data collected during testing to ensure all systems on Orion are not disturbed by electromagnetic energy and the spacecraft is ready to safely fly the crew around the Moon.
The team returned the spacecraft to the Final Assembly and System Testing, or FAST cell inside the O&C building following electromagnetic testing for additional work in preparation for further performance testing inside the vacuum chamber later this summer.