Hey everyone, Tory here from Overlook Horizon. I’ve got some exciting news to share with you all today! We’re launching not just one, but two new podcast series that are sure to pique your interest. Whether you’re a die-hard space enthusiast, a weather buff, or just love hearing about all things aviation and technology, these podcasts are for you!


Jetstreams and Rocket Dreams


First up, we have “Jetstreams and Rocket Dreams,” a podcast that dives deep into the fascinating world of spaceflight, weather balloons, and aviation. This series is designed to cater to those of you who crave detailed and technical discussions about the latest in aerospace technology and exploration. We kicked things off with our first episode on May 16, 2024, where we discussed the Boeing Starliner’s Crew Flight Test. If you missed it, be sure to check it out!


Looking ahead, we have a lineup of episodes that will explore various topics including the Artemis program’s current state, potential uses of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon for missions like the Hubble telescope repair, and much more. And yes, while “Jetstreams and Rocket Dreams” is still in its infancy, I am working hard to bring on fascinating guests to add depth and insight to our conversations.


Space Lobster News Brief


The second series we’re launching is the “Space Lobster News Brief,” named after our beloved channel mascot, the Space Lobster. This quick-hit podcast is designed to keep you updated on the latest space news in a concise format, so you can stay informed even on your busiest days. We plan to lead our first episode with the latest from Blue Origin, followed by updates on Boeing’s Starliner, SpaceX’s milestones, and more. It’s perfect for those mornings when you need your space news on the go!


Both podcasts are an extension of Overlook Horizon’s ongoing mission to educate and inspire. They’ll be available on all major podcast platforms, so you can listen wherever and whenever you like.


We’re thrilled to embark on these new adventures and I can’t wait for you all to join us. Your feedback and support have always been instrumental in guiding our journey, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on these new additions. Here’s to new journeys and new learnings together!


Keep looking up,
